
If mom ain't happy,
no one will be happy

Most girls dream of building a loving and peaceful home as soon as they start to play with their first doll house. It seems so simple to imagine a life of leisure and wealth and happy and healthy kids to love on all day. And they carry those ideals into adulthood; always wanting to improve on the job that their their parents did on them. As they find out they are expecting a child, they are fueled by the hope that thier children will have everything they need and find joy in every experience as they grow.  

Then two-three years later, it becomes real for the young mamas.  In between growing healthy kids and managing your household, todays moms rarely have enough time to rest.  Your entire day is often full of things to do for or with your kids and husband. And they expect you to be joyful every minute of the day, despite the stress of having 2-3 things expected at the same time. And if you are a single parent, there is just not enough hours in the day and no one to give you a break.  

So what helps?

The 3 most important things about peaceful parenting

This is why  I decided to write about those 3 pillars of peaceful parenting and their big influence on the way we parent. They make a big difference in my life, and I’m sure that they can help you too!

1. Being able to regulate your own emotions when facing a difficult parenting moment

The thing that surprised me the most in my journey to become a calm mom was how hard it is to manage my emotions when I get triggered.

But the truth is that we cannot be gentle and empathetic with our kids if we are not able to remain calm and overcome our own negative feelings.

No parent is peaceful and calm all the time. Every parent gets angry at some point. What makes a huge difference for our children is the way we decide to act in those angry moments.

Self-regulation starts with acknowledging that you are in charge of your own feelings. It is your responsibility how you react when you get angry.

I know that this is not easy at all! It takes time and effort to overcome anger and find gentle ways to handle difficult situations. But making this change will transform your whole life! It will not only make parenting easier, but it will also make you feel better.

If you are dealing with parenting anger and you are looking for ways to overcome it, here are some tips and ideas that made a big difference in my life:

2. Putting connection first and building a strong relationship with your child

The core of positive discipline is focusing on connection before correction. The reason behind this is very simple: Children won’t fully accept our guidance if they are not feeling connected to us.

When kids notice that we are not emotionally available for them, they feel unsafe, and this triggers many negative behaviors.

Connection allows you to make your child feel safe and loved. It makes disciplining your kids easier because they are more likely to listen to you if they feel understood and connected.

One of the things that I often hear from the moms who tried the Playful Mom Toolkit is how much the interactions with their kids changed after they connected more through play. Connection can really transform your parenting because it’s one of the most powerful parenting tools that we have as parents!

If you are looking for more inspiration on how to make connection a priority, here are some ideas to try:

photo credit: choreograph /

3. Replacing control with coaching when disciplining your kids

Traditional discipline focuses a lot on how parents can control their kids’ behavior. But the truth is that when parents control their children, they don’t let them think for themselves. They don’t allow kids to learn from their mistakes and make better choices on their own.

On the other hand, coaching kids allows them to be their best self and gain confidence in their abilities. Replacing control with coaching and gentle guidance will help you raise resilient and responsible children.

Positive discipline is not always easy to put into practice. It comes with many challenges, and it takes a lot of patience! But it can make such a big difference in your child’s life!

If you are looking for tips that will make positive discipline easier to implement, here are the ideas that worked great for us when parenting got hard:

You can find the online parenting course that I mentioned at the beginning of the article here: Peaceful Parent Happy Kids Online Course by Dr. Laura MarkhamIt is hands down the best peaceful parenting course that I’ve ever taken!

I know how challenging parenting can be and how demanding motherhood is. But in this amazing journey of raising kids, we can make a big difference in our children’s lives if we make the right choices.

Motherhood is not about being perfect. It’s not about not making mistakes. It’s about learning to do better every day.

This is exactly what peaceful parenting is all about: learning to be good parents for our kids.

So whenever parenting feels hard or confusing or frustrating, remember these 3 ingredients of being a peaceful parent: self-regulation, connection, and coaching.

They matter more than anything else!

>> Want to remember this? Share these ideas to your favorite Pinterest board!

12 Simple Ways To Love Yourself As A Mom Plus Great "Love And Fit" Products

By: Miranda Posted onLast updated: June 25, 2020

12 Simple Ways To Love Yourself As A Mom is sponsored by Love And Fit.  As always, all opinions are my own.

Moms are some of the busiest people I know.  We tend to wear ALL the hats. 

  • Chef ✅

  • Maid ✅

  • Chauffeur ✅

  • Nurse ✅

  • Disciplinarian ✅

  • Referee ✅

  • Teacher ✅

  • Meal planner ✅

  • Party planner ✅

  • Wet nurse ✅

  • The list goes on and on!

All too often, moms are so busy caring and nurturing others, they forget about themselves!  So today, I’m sharing 12 simple ways to love yourself as a mom.  We are all humans who have basic needs.  It’s time to start ensuring our cups are full so we can pour out our love, time, and energy to others.

Before becoming a mom, I had lots of free time.  I had hobbies!  I loved reading, and as a matter of fact, I used to read several books a week.  While I do still start a book every now and then, I rarely finish them these days.  Why?  Because I just don’t have time.  The age old ‘mom excuse’.  There’s just no time!  But I’m learning that to be the best mom possible, we need to find simple ways to love yourself as a mom.  

Are You A Joyful Parent?

There’s a huge difference between knowing something and actually doing it.  The follow through is so important.  I know it’s easy to feel guilty when you take time to do something for yourself, but don’t let that stop you.  In fact, we’re sharing 12 simple ways to love yourself as a mom to get you started; but you can always brainstorm other ideas too.  

12 Simple Ways To Love Yourself As A Mom

First, let me say that you do not need to feel overwhelmed about self care and finding ways to do something for YOU!  We’ve got 12 simple ways that will barely take any time at all but will help make you feel great!

1)  Declutter (Something…Anything!)

We all do it, right?  Buying stuff we just don’t need is so easy to do.  Then, before we know it, the clutter is EVERYWHERE!  But did you realize clutter actually has a negative psychological effect?  Nip that in the bud right now; open that messy drawer, cupboard, or room and declutter it.  You’ll feel so much better the next time you need to grab something from that area!  Plus, this is such a simple way to offer yourself love and self care.  

2)  Unplug – Even For A Day

Studies have shown that surfing social media sites actually brings about a restless and unhappy attitude.  So letting go of your device and spending a day screen-free is an easy way to help you feel better!  You’ll experience 24 glorious hours where you won’t find yourself comparing or feeling overwhelmed by what someone else posts.

3)  Go For A Short Walk

Whether it’s around the block, down the street, or just a stroll on the sidewalk as you wait to pick the kids up; a walk can be extremely beneficial.  Getting up to stretch and taking a few deep breaths can refresh you and renew your attitude.

4)  Reach Out To An Old Friend

I have a friend who moved away a couple years ago.  So now, instead of seeing each other several times a month, it’s more like 2-3 times a year.  But reaching out to just chat ALWAYS leaves me with a smile on my face.  So if you’re looking for a quick picker-upper, give an old friend a quick call.

5)  Plan A Meal Featuring YOUR Favorites

As the mom, I feel like I’m always catering to what someone else wants.  But there are some days where I just decide I’m going to do something for me and I choose my favorites for a meal… Right down to the dessert!  And guess what, it always leaves me happy and with a satisfied belly.

6)  Drink More Water

This sounds so simple but drinking enough water is something that many moms don’t think to do.  Yet, it’s something that can make you feel so much better!  Bonus points because drinking an adequate amount of water helps with clearer and brighter skin!  Check out this 11 Simple Hacks To Help You Drink More Water to help you get started.

7)  Buy Yourself A New Piece Of Clothing

For most moms, your pre-mom bod is something you vaguely remember.  Carrying a baby, delivering that baby, and raising that child takes a toll on you.  But did you know there are options available that are made JUST FOR MOMS!?  Love And Fit is an activewear line designed for all stages of a woman’s life.

“Stay Put” Leggings, Nursing sports bras, nursing tank tops, nursing hoodies and workout leggings that you can wear through all stages of your life regardless if you are pregnant, in postpartum, have teenage kiddos, even women with none at all!  This lineup is designed to grow with you, through every stage of womanhood and motherhood!

Ultra High Postpartum Leggings

These leggings are designed to be your favorite, post baby.  EVEN if that baby was 5+ years ago!   Featuring a seamless high waist design, the fit offers a smooth style and gentle mid-section compression.  Before kids, I was low-rise all the way.  After 5 kids, I’m in love with this ultra high waist that rises to just below the bra line as it works to conceal my tummy area.  Plus, it’s perfect if you are a nursing mom and pulling up your shirt at times to feed. Of course, no perfect pants would be complete without POCKETS!!!   And the buttery soft, dual brushed sided fabric makes these leggings ones you will want to wear daily!

Performance Long Sleeve Nursing Top

Pull off the perfect athletic and leisure look with this versatile pullover, which features a semi-relaxed fit and light weight fabric that’s perfect for layering.  Whether you’re looking for that perfect top for your morning run or to do errands, this piece will always keep up. The discreet twin nursing zips make it easy to nurse anytime, anywhere!  And once baby/toddler is past the nursing stage, you can keep wearing as nobody will be the wiser!

Cozy Up Nursing Hoodie

The Cozy Up Nursing Hoodie is the softest and coziest hoodie ever!  Plus, it’s designed to make nursing easy and functional for new moms.  Featuring a pull over design, the incognito zipper design allows moms to breastfeed quickly and discreetly.  But because of the ingenious style, the seamed zipper design allows you to keep this hoodie for years even after you’re done nursing!


Wear the Cozy Up Nursing Hoodie anytime and anywhere…to the gym, for a run, to running errands or lounging at home!

All too often, post-baby clothing is just completely unappealing; especially nursing clothes.  So I am beyond thrilled to have discovered Love And Fit.  I couldn’t be happier as their clothes are comfortable, stylish, and functional!  As I mentioned, they offer a unique activewear line featuring functional and innovative items for all women.  From their top selling Nursing and Pumping Sports Bra to their Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Leggings.  But the best part is, Love And Fit’s “stay put” leggings can be worn by anyone too!  They are squat proof, have pockets, and don’t fall down during running or workouts! You will NOT be disappointed!

8)  Listen To Your Favorite Song(s)

While I’m not techie AT ALL and have no idea how to make a play list, I do know how to search YouTube for some of my favorite songs.  So while this sounds like a crazy idea as one of the simple ways to love yourself as a mom, trust me on this.  Cranking it up and belting out an old favorite can turn any frown upside down!  I’m not a great singer but catching a favorite song on the radio is like winning the lottery.

9)  Get To Bed Early From Time To Time

Bedtime can get rough.  I get it.  Before I had kids, I did in-home daycare and worked 12-14 hour days but I had weekends off.  Even so, once a week, when my last child would leave between 5:30pm and 6pm, I’d grab supper and be in bed by 6:30!  It would boost my energy levels and provide me with some much needed rest.  Now, as a mother, I’m on duty 24/7.  But recently, I headed to bed by 7 and felt so much better the next day.  That energy carried me over for a few days and this is something I plan to implement more often.    

10)  Grab Your Favorite Movie From The Library

Take an evening and cuddle up on the couch with some popcorn and your favorite movie!  If you’re like me and don’t have NETFLIX, just request it from the library for a free night of fun!

11)  Choose A Service At The Salon

I know this can be another splurge item but it really makes moms feel special.  So whether you decide to get pampered with a new haircut, pedicure, manicure, or massage, take that time to focus on yourself.  Taking the plunge for a new hairstyle or color can really boost your moral.  A great massage can help to reduce stress as well as headaches.  In the summer, I love having cute nails.  Really, it’s a personal preference but save up and treat yourself at the salon from time to time!  

12)  Pick A Favorite Activity And Do It!

If you don’t have a favorite activity brainstorm some ideas and try something new!  To give you some ideas, here’s a list to get your started:

  • Pick up an adult coloring book and color.

  • Visit a local pottery painting shop.

  • Try glass blowing.

  • Give your hand at gardening.

  • Grab some paper and paints and create a picture.

And if you’re completely out of ideas, one of my favorite simple ways to love yourself as a mom is to take a bubble bath!  

So tell me, do you have any simple ways to love yourself as a mom that you do from time to time?

Connect With Love And Fit

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25 powerful mom goals that will help you build a happy life

Inside: Discover 25 powerful mom goals that will make you be a better mother and help you build a happier family life.

What I love about the beginning of a new year is the great power it has on so many people: we dare to dream more, we are not afraid to set big goals, and we feel more motivated and energized!

When it comes to big goals for this new year, I noticed that there are two that got mentioned in almost all the conversations I had with other moms.

One of them is losing weight (or just getting in better shape) and the other one is being a better mom. Hearing about that second goal always makes me remember my own struggles and doubts about parenting.

Being a better mom has always been something I aimed for. Especially in the difficult moments when I felt like I’m failing.

And it took me a long time to let go of mom guilt and be more compassionate with myself.

Because the truth is that being better moms is something that we learn and practice every single day. It’s an on-going lesson that we sometimes need to learn the hard way.

All those struggles and challenges that we face as parents are chances for us to get better. To learn from our mistakes. To become more patient, understanding, and supportive. And to be more of the parents we want to be.

It took me some time to understand that those things I felt like I’m “supposed to do” for being a good mom are not necessarily what my kids need or what I’m capable of offering.

Also, what others define as a good mother is not necessarily compatible with my personality and abilities. And this is perfectly okay!

Being a good mom has nothing to do with those “perfect standards” that we are surrounded by. Once I understood this, accepted who I am as a mom (and who I’m not), and let go of the pressure I was putting on me, my life changed.

The most important lesson I’ve learned along the way is that being a good mom is not about fitting into the standard of what others define as a good mom.

It’s about defining what being a good mom means to me. And learning every single day how to make those changes that take me closer to my goal of building a happy family life.

Why setting mom goals can change your life

Being a mom can easily become overwhelming. You face new challenges, you have to manage a busy schedule, and you have a lot going on in your life every single day.

It’s easy to get caught up in the everyday struggles and forget to take a step back and focus on building that happy life you dream of.

The best solution to prevent your life to become more chaotic and overwhelming is to set goals that can help you stay focused on what really matters to you.

As soon as you’ll start to set mom goals and become intentional about working towards your goals, you’ll see that your life will become more meaningful and you’ll feel more accomplished and happy.

How to set mom goals that you can actually put into practice

Many people set big goals at the beginning of the year and forget about them even before February starts.

Last year was the first one when I tried a different approach and it worked amazingly well!

Here is how you can implement this:


 Start by setting your most important intention as a mom for the next year.

You can sum it up in one word (e.g. “calm”, “connection”) or use a phrase to describe it (e.g. “I want to be a more patient mom and stop yelling”, “I want to build a better relationship with my kids”, “I want to make family time a priority”, etc).


 Then write down a list of goals that you would like to accomplish as a mom.

You can use the below list as inspiration. Write all the goals that are important to you and that you feel will have a positive impact on your family.


 After you finished the list, use it to choose 3-4 goals for every quarter of the year.

Make sure that you don’t have 5 big goals in one quarter. I always try to combine big goals with smaller ones that I feel confident that I can accomplish.


 In the end, you’ll have a list of approx. 16 goals divided into 4 quarters. (You can set fewer goals if you like. Do what works best for you!)


 Display that list in your home to help you remain focused on it throughout the year.

At the end of every quarter look back at your goals. Check off the ones that you managed to accomplish and reevaluate the goals for the next quarter.

This method works great because it’s very easy to implement. Having a list of your goals will help you stay focused and will offer you an additional motivation when going through difficult times.

As soon as you’ll start checking off goals from your list you’ll feel even more motivated to keep going. Every single change you’ll make will help you build a happier life for you and your family.

25 powerful mom goals to add to your list

There are many great goals that you can add to your list, but make sure that you don’t make your list too overwhelming. Even small changes can have a big impact on your family!

Mom goals focused on raising happy kids

1. Create a daily habit of spending quality time with your kids, even on the busiest days.

To get started, download this free activity guide and get 7 easy and fun ideas that will help you connect with your kids in just 30 minutes a day.

2. Set a daily or weekly unplug time when you turn off all distractions and just focus on your kids.

3. Help your kids develop a growth mindset. It will have a huge impact on their lives and will help them overcome chellenges easier.

4. Implement family contributions to get your kids involved in household taks in a playful way and help them become more responsible.

5. Start planning monthly (or weekly) dates with your kids.

For more inspiration, check out these 52 awesome date ideas to try with your kids.

6. Declutter all your children’s toys. This will not only make cleaning up easier for you, but it will help you kids become more focused and creative.

(Here is a step-by-step guide on how to declutter toys.)

7. Start a mother and child journal that will bring you closer.

A journal will encourage your kids to open up to you. Also, it’s a wonderful way to capture little happy moments you enjoy together.

You can try this nice mother-son journal or this lovely mother-daughter journal.

8. Implement daily routines for your kids.

Routines are great for kids because they prevent many power struggles and make things easier for you as well.

9. Start a no-yelling challenge.

If you struggle with managing your parenting anger and you want to change this, starting a no-yelling challenge can be life-changing!

mom goals

Mom goals focused on building a happy family life

10. Implement positive parenting and use gentle solutions for every parenting challenge.


 This is a life-changing goal that can make a huge difference in your life! For me, using positive parenting has been the best decision I ever made as a parent. It can make parenting a lot easier and enjoyable for you and it will impact your child’s life in so many ways!

You can find many positive parenting tips online but if you are looking for a step by step approach to help you become a peaceful parentcheck out the “Peaceful Parent Happy Kids” online course.

It’s the best course you’ll ever find about peaceful parenting and I’m sure that it will help and inspire you a lot!

11. Make family dinner a daily habit and use that time to connect with your kids.

12. Start planning regular family meetings.

They are great for solving problems as a team, discuss any challenges that the family is facing, get the kids involved in family decisions, and get your family life more organized.

13. Implement weekly family nights to connect and have fun with your kids.

(Here are our favorite family night ideas to inspire you.)

14. Set monthly date nights for you and your spouse.

15. Create a weekly meal plan for your family.

This will save you money and time and it will also help you make better food choices for your kids.

16. Start a reading challenge with your kids.

This will encourage them to read more books and also help you connect and spend quality time together.

You can also start a reading journal together.

17. Practice gratitude as a family.

The easiest way to do this is to create a gratitude jar and invite all the family members to contribute to it.

Another way to practice gratitude is to invite every family member to mention one thing they are grateful for every day at dinner.

18. Create a bucket list of family activities and start implementing it.

Invite the whole family to create a bucket list with easy activity ideas to try together. Display the list in your home and try the activities one by one anytime you want to spend time together as a family.

Mom goals focused on self-care

Self-care is not only a gift we give ourselves. It’s also a very precious gift that we offer to our kids by making sure that we give them the best version of ourselves.

19. Wake up 30 minutes earlier than your kids.

If you have young kids who don’t sleep through the night this might not seem a good idea. But if your kids already outgrew this stage, waking up 30 minutes earlier can change your mood for the whole day.

Having that half an hour of silence to read something, plan your day, or just enjoy your coffee without interruptions can make wonders for your well-being.

20. Set a weekly “mom pause”.

If your spouse or a trusted friend or relative can take care of the kids for a few hours a week, start planning a weekly mom pause.

Make it a habit to spend 2-3 hours alone every week (on the same day and time to make it easier to plan). Use that time to relax and do something that makes you happy.

21. Set a regular “technology-free” time.

Being able to disconnect from all “screens” on a regular basis has a great impact on your mental health.

Create a daily habit to spend some time without access to your phone, tablet, TV, or laptop. It will make you feel better and it will also help you be a calmer mom.

22. Replace chaos with planning.

Taking care of children comes with a little dose of chaos because life with kids is unpredictable. But this doesn’t mean that every day needs to feel chaotic and overwhelming.

23. Do something just for your every week.

It doesn’t have to be something big, but make sure that you do something for you every week. It can be as simple as taking a bubble bath or watching a movie while enjoying a glass of wine and your favorite sweets.

24. Start a daily journal.

You can either start a gratitude journal to help you focus on the positive aspects of every day or you can choose a guided Q&A journal for moms that will become a precious family keepsake.

25. Start an exercise routine.

Going to the gym on a regular basis can be difficult when your kids take up most of your time. But you can use a DVD to exercise at home. Or you can invite the kids to weekly bike rides and exercise while having fun with them.

Exercising will have a great impact both on your physical and mental health and this will also reflect on your ability to be a more patient and playful mom. 

How to Make Exercise a Priority as A Busy Parent:

I hope that this list will inspire you to set meaningful goals that will help you build a happy life!

How Minimalism Impacts Kids

So much of the time, people have the idea that minimalist motherhood is an oxymoron. They think living a minimal lifestyle and having children in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos, but they’re wrong. In the age of iPads strapped to car seats, childhood obesity being at an all time high, […]

I'm here to shake things up and challenge the status quo of motherhood. Let's throw out the old rulebook and create a new narrative where moms are living their dream lives unapologetically.

hi, friend

Feel like you need a total revamp?

I get it, daily routines can be overwhelming. But you? You're seeking life ownership. Dive into this beloved guide and tap into easy self-reflection, without overtaxing your brain.

So much of the time, people have the idea that minimalist motherhood is an oxymoron. They think living a minimal lifestyle and having children in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos, but they’re wrong. In the age of iPads strapped to car seats, childhood obesity being at an all time high, and nearly every kid in the U.S. being insufficient in Vitamin D, the kids of today need minimalism more than ever.

There are so many positive side effects of minimalism for mothers, and I spend my days helping my fellow women reshape the way they’re doing mom life based on a realistic, empowering philosophy of less clutter. What I want the world to understand too, is how minimalism makes an impact on children.

As a mom of four little ones, I can testify for this strongly! In the last five years of raising my babies under the minimalist lifestyle, I have seen a huge shift in my children and our family as a whole, and I notice some truly amazing differences in my kids on a regular basis.


Lack of entitlement

My kids do not feel entitled to a new toy when we go to Target, they don’t even think to ask. Sure, they’re human beings and they see things they think are awesome and will occasionally ask for a toy- they’re not robots- but they don’t expect it; they don’t feel that they have the right to getting it. And to me, that’s the problem with so many kids today.

My kids also do not expect constant entertainment, they make their own. Driving for three days straight across the country last week, there was only one meltdown and it was from the two-year-old on the final day who was tired of being in his seat. The older kids made up stories and games, they laughed and played while buckled into the same seats for days in a row.

Sitting at the DMV a couple weeks ago, they pretended to be Princess Toadstool and the Mario Brothers for an hour without complaint.

When Brian and I have work to do, the kids are around because we homeschool, so we are literally all together 24/7. It’s rarely a problem because the kids will go outside and play for hours.

This is a reality so many parents don’t think is possible, but I’m telling you- it is.


So many of us want to raise grateful humans, but we overwhelm them with entertainment, gifts for no reason, and the philosophy that they should never want for anything or ever be uncomfortable. I don’t purposely create unfortunate situations for my kids, but life is crazy and stuff happens. Everything is not fluffy unicorns and butterflies and my kids are aware of that, even at very young ages, and they’re some of the most grateful people I’ve ever met. It’s a pleasure for me to bless them every once in awhile with something special because they truly deserve it and they’re so grateful.

They take better care of their belongings. They’re authentically thankful when someone gives them a birthday present. It’s beautiful to see that.

Playfulness and wild imaginations

I’ve seen my kids come up with incredible play scenarios literally out of thin air. I’ve seen them turn the most random, inanimate objects into the most entertaining play tools in the world. All kids are naturals at this; it’s us adults who get in the way by giving them loud toys that do all the imagining for them and rob them of their natural gift.

Social skills

My kids know how to make friends, have conversations with other kids, and talk to other adults because that’s something they do all day every day. They’re not pinned to screens, so they actually converse with other people. I may sound sarcastic but I’ve been on a couple of playdates where this wasn’t required and didn’t happen.

On one, the kid was allowed to sit in the car and watch a movie on the car TV. On another, the kid was glued to his iPad while sitting on the swing at the playground.

My kids wanted to play with their friends, but screen time won, so they played without them and went and talked with kids who were actually there to enjoy their childhood.

Stronger relationships with each other

All my kids do is be each other’s best friends. They play with each other, do school work with each other, do chores and clean up with each other, and fight with each other every single day because, that’s real life. They’re passionate and close and they love each other hard. Their sibling relationships will last a lifetime, so it’s important to Brian and I that they are close. Minimalism has definitely gifted them that, and if that were the only thing it did for them, it’s worth it.


When you don’t have a lot of toys, you use your God-given creativity to make up games and stories. Years of that will make you one super creative kid in one way or another. My daughter Bella (8) is a master artist (she even teaches her own module in my course and shows other kids how to draw pretty pictures instead of playing video games all day. Proud mama here!), my son Leland (6) is basically a Lego engineer, Hudson (4) is super active and great at coming up with fun games, Emmett (2) is the chief of boyish play and is constantly pretending to “get the bad guys”.

As my kids get a little older, they’re becoming very in tune with their personal skills, and I love seeing them confident in what they’re good at at such a young age! What a gift!

They’re happier in general

Whenever my kids (one of my sons in particular) does get screen time, I can see such a difference in their attitudes. Less technology and more old fashioned playing is so good for them, and they’re just generally a lot happier than other kids because of the way we live.

An awareness of community needs and charitable giving

We’ve always made minimalism about the giving, not about having less clutter and a clean house. It’s really important to me that my kids see the good in this lifestyle and not resent it. They have always donated their toys and books to orphans and they each have such a tender heart for those in need. It’s been painful and beautiful to show my kids that that world exists and is right in front of us. I love that they voluntarily talk to me about giving and helping the needy, and I know that comes from our approach to minimalism and decluttering.

The desire to be outside most of the time

It’s a safe bet to say my kids spend 80-90% of their day outdoors. That fluctuates depending on what state we’re in, but stays relatively steady. And the best part is that I rarely have to do the mom thing and kick them out yelling, “go be outside!” They want to be out there and it’s awesome. They get dirty and sun-kissed and they adventure every single day- nothing says childhood more than that to me!

Everything is calmer

Being a mom automatically comes with plenty of chaos- that’s a given, but parenthood today is just so demanding and loud and insanely draining. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming- that’s your choice. I feel like minimalism has made our home and our life so much calmer and deeply enjoyable. I don’t have to fight my kids to get off the video games or turn the TV off for the hundredth time or nag them to be together or love each other better. Life is slower and more peaceful because we have removed the excess, the clutter, and the noise of too much. That’s something our busy society has yet to learn.

If this doesn’t resonate with you at all, totally get it. Click away and never think of it again. You do you, mama. But if this is speaking volumes to you, you might be wondering how to make the transition from where you are right now to this life.


1) Declutter the toys

In order to get started, you have to let go of all the things that have been keeping you overwhelmed and your kids overstimulated with entertainment. Start slow, don’t overthink it, and just start- those are my biggest pieces of advice here. Don’t sneak around and get rid of stuff behind your kids’ back- that’s not what we want here. We want them to be aware and understand this process, so it’s better to go slower and wait for them to get on board than to lose their trust.


You buy stuff with your time, not just your money. Less clutter equals less stress and more time. It’s as simple as that!

Your Uncluttered Home is my most popular, globally-praised decluttering course, designed for moms who want to live their lives more than they clean up after it. 

It’s truly the A-Z of minimalism – every room, every area of your house, totally uncluttered. 

This super extensive, extremely detailed course is literally everything you need to become a minimalist mama who’s able to be a lot more present for what matters most. 

2) Choose outdoor time over screen time

It’s a habit you can choose to make. Technology is awesome and there’s a time and place for it, but it doesn’t have to be the only way to fill your kids’ time if you don’t want it to be. Don’t let bad weather be an excuse to pull the iPad out either. If you live in a state with lots of freezing or scalding days, you have the challenge of getting creative and encouraging your kids to do the same! Nothing amazing comes easy. Sometimes you have to fight for what you want and make it happen like the warrior mama you are!

3) Play with your kids sometimes (but let them learn how to keep themselves entertained too)

Get outside, have a living room dance party, make up a game together… be the mom who plays and makes awesome memories!

4) Conscious consumerism

What kind of toys are you choosing to keep as you declutter? What kind of toys will you buy going forward?

Personally, I choose to have things in our house that encourage my kids to use their imaginations or to build things. Legos, blocks, dress up costumes, things like that are so worth the space they take up and always inspire creative play. If you have things like this and your kids don’t play with them, declutter the rest of the toys, give it a week and watch what changes.

5) Lead by example

Kids know what you show them. When I implemented minimalism in the rest of the house and we started living this way in every area, my kids learned that this was just a part of our family and how we roll. Now they don’t remember anything else and it’s just the way things are.


Have you implemented the idea of less with your kids at all? Do you want to? Share your thoughts in the comments!





14 of the best positive parenting books that will help you overcome parenting struggles

Ever since I was pregnant with my son I started reading parenting books with the hope that they will inspire me to be a good parent for my child. Over the years I read plenty of positive parenting books and articles and discovered many helpful ideas that transformed the way I raise my child.

positive parenting books

Finding the right positive parenting books that offer easy and science-backed strategies to implement with your kids can make such a huge difference in your parenting journey! This is why I decided to gather here the list of books that impacted my parenting in the last years. They offer valuable insight into child development and gentle parenting strategies and had a great impact on the way I parent and on my ability to handle difficult situations.

If you are looking for some inspiring positive parenting books, I’m sure that you’ll find some great inspiration on this list!

1. Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting by Dr. Laura Markham

This book is my favorite positive parenting book because it taught me how to be a more peaceful parent and handle parenting challenges with calm and empathy.

Dr. Laura Markham is the parenting expert who had the greatest impact on my parenting journey and I totally recommend you to check out her books and her site.

She also wrote a wonderful book about siblings called “Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings: How to Stop the Fighting and Raise Friends for Life” that is great for encouraging a strong relationship and preventing sibling fights.


 If you want to discover step-by-step strategies to help you become a more peaceful parent I recommend you to try her online parenting course “Peaceful Parent Happy Kids”This course has been life-changing for me and I’m sure it can bring the positive changes you want for your family as well!

2. The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

This book explains how a child’s brain works and offers a revolutionary approach to parenting.

Dr. Dan Siegel is a renowned neuropsychiatrist. Together with parenting expert Tina Bryson, he offers a set of strategies that help parents raise emotionally balanced children.

You can find all the details about the book here.

3. No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

This book is written by the same authors and focuses on how to make peaceful discipline work. It explains what disciplining a child really means and how to teach kids to behave better without using “traditional” methods like punishments and rewards.

What I loved most about this book is that it offers practical strategies for some of the parenting challenges that we often face as parents. It helped me implement an effective disciplining strategy for my child and made parenting a lot easier.

You can find all the details about the book here.

4. Playful Parenting: An Exciting New Approach to Raising Children That Will Help You Nurture Close Connections, Solve Behavior Problems, and Encourage Confidence by Lawrence J. Cohen

This is the perfect book for learning how to build a close relationship with your kids! It focuses on how parents can solve behavior issues and help kids express their emotions through play and connection.

This book is a must-read for every parent of young children because it offers easy and practical ideas that can make parenting a lot easier and more enjoyable. You can get all the details about it here.

5. Parenting from the Inside Out: How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive by Daniel J. Siegel and Mary Hartzell

I love this book because it focuses on how we can work on ourselves to become better parents for our children. It shows how our experiences shape the way we parent and how we can make positive changes to help us raise happy and resilient kids.

You can read all the details about the book here.

6. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

This book offers great advice on communicating with kids in a way that builds a strong and close relationship with them. The tips in the book teach parents how to communicate with children when emotions run high and encourage cooperation in a calm and empathetic way.

You can find all the details about the book here.

7. The 5 Love Languages of Children: The Secret to Loving Children Effectively by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell

As parents, we all want our kids to feel loved. But the way we show love to them might not be the way they need to be loved. This book talks about the 5 love languages of love and how we can use them in the relationships with our little ones.

I liked how this book teaches parents to lay a strong foundation of unconditional love for their children! The ideas in the book will not only help you build a strong connection with your kids, but they will also make parenting and disciplining easier.

You can get all the details about the book here.

More great positive parenting books

8. Only Love Today: Reminders to Breathe More, Stress Less, and Choose Love by Rachel Macy Stafford – a great reminder for every mom who wants to overcome parenting overwhelm and enjoy motherhood more.

9. Connection Parenting: Parenting Through Connection Instead of Coercion, Through Love Instead of Fear by Pam Leo – a great book about using connection as the core of parenting and discipline.

10. Hold On to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate – a wonderful book about handling the challenges that many parenting of older kids face.

11. I Love You Rituals by  Becky A. Bailey – a book that includes lovely rhymes and games that help parents connect with the kids, make them feel loved, and develop their emotional skills.

12. Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish – one of the best book about parenting siblings and helping them develop a close and peaceful relationship.

13. Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline: The 7 Basic Skills for Turning Conflict into Cooperation by Becky A. Bailey – a very helpful book about disciplining kids in a peaceful and positive way.

14. Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child – The Heart of Parenting by John Gottman and Joan Declaire – a great guide for learning how to develop children’s emotional skills and help them become more confident and emotionally balanced.


 What is your favorite parenting book? I would love to discover new books so please feel free to recommend any other positive parenting books that helped you in your parenting journey!

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